We are excited to announce that the PCP WISE project has been selected under the call HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-01-5. This project will play a key role in advancing the European Green Deal’s objectives by enhancing the use of Environmental Observation (EO) data and products. Officially starting at the end of 2024, PCP WISE will run for 36 months, bringing together 26 partners, including 12 public buyers, from 10 EU countries. The allocated budget is 19 M €, including 12M€ for financing the R&D phases of the PCP.

PCP-WISE is coordinated by Barrabés.biz and the lead procurer is STOWA, from the Netherlands, bringing and sharing its case study and experience on earth observation applications for soil-water vegetation systems.

Building on PROTECT’s legacy

The PCP WISE project builds on the activities, documents, case studies, tools and achievements of PROTECT CSA. Notably, PROTECT established a community of 120 public buyers and e-catalogue featuring over 200 suppliers, which will be pivotal for PCP WISE.

Project overview

PCP WISE aims to develop and implement cutting-edge water management solutions using space and EO data. The project targets Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 8 solutions to tackle water-related crises such as floods and fires. Key objectives include creating common operational information products, developing interoperability mechanisms, and building an active user network to boost climate resilience across Europe.

Objectives and Key results

PCP WISE is driven by a set of clear objectives:

  1. Encourage public buyers to work with the market to prototype, demonstrate, and evaluate new climate impact solutions.

* Expected results: Enhanced capacity-building, customised space-based Soil-Water systems, and improved crisis response inputs.

  1. Develop solutions that enhance decision-making in water management.

* Expected results: Comprehensive business case documents, updated analyses of current technologies, and targeted market exploitation.

  1. Facilitate public buyers in achieving shared strategic goals through coordinated procurement.

* Expected results: Reduced demand fragmentation, aligned procurement processes, and competitive service offerings.

  1. Provide tools for better water management and climate adaptation.

* Expected results: Effective governance models, deployment of relevant digital data, and strengthened science-policy interfaces.

  1. Promote and scale up the adoption of PCP WISE outcomes to tackle water distribution challenges.

* Expected results: Comprehensive dissemination and communication packages, extensive training activities, and standardisation recommendations.

Engaging stakeholders

A vital component of PCP WISE is its commitment to stakeholder engagement. Building on the network established by PROTECT, the project will involve new beneficiaries. A Stakeholder Observatory Group will be established to provide continuous feedback and ensure solutions meet market needs; therefore we invite all interested parties to join us!

For more information, please contact info-protect@group-gac.com