Based on the results of the EU survey “Innovation Procurement of Climate Change services & National Legal Framework” two sets of workshops will take place in March and October 2023.
These two sets of online workshops have been preceded by a general plenary session regarding the challenges in each application domain during the high-level conference in Barcelona. During this session, moderated by CORVERS CEO (Stephan Corvers), the discussions focussed on sustainable and urban communities, in particular on the importance of waste management, which is extremely expensive and usually consists in burying waste, burning waste or transporting waste. Climate services (CS) based on Earth observation (EO) could contribute to provide solutions for these pressing issues which can potentially affect other domains such as Marine and coastal environment and Civil Security and Protection.
On the 28th and 29th of March 2023, the first set of pain point workshops will take place online. During the 90 minutes sessions (one per application domain), value methodologies will be used to prioritise and fine-tune needs based on the climate challenges identified thanks to the EU survey in the five application domains. The results will be used to define keywords on functions and performance with the purpose of conducting a SOTA analysis and give an overview of the needs and subsequent procurement challenges that could be addressed through one or several Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) or Public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI).

Pain Point Workshops Schedule
The second set of five workshops (one per application domain) will take place in October 2023 with procurers to work on explicit and latent needs identified during the preliminary work of PROTECT and agree on 4 procurement challenges not only at national but also at EU level. These workshops will involve procurers from the community and additional ones that could have similar needs but have not yet formulated them. Identified procurement challenges – not just the final selected 4 – will constitute the basis for the elaboration of an orientation paper for policy drivers at regional, national and EU level to address more general and extended challenges and to design procurement strategies and/or financial instruments. The orientation paper will prioritise recommendations for the procurement challenges with a higher climate and procurement impact and will indicate whether a PCP or a PPI is the best procurement approach to address the procurement challenges at stake.