PROTECT Newsletter April 2024

By |April 5, 2024|

1.Introduction Welcome to the seventh edition (April 2024) of the newsletter from the PROTECT project that provides an update on the developments in the market regarding climate services based on Earth Observation (EO). The focus [...]

  • Procura+ Conference

13-14 Mar 2024 – Procura+ Conference

By |March 10, 2024|

For over 25 years the Procura+ conference has been where sustainable, circular and innovation procurement policy meets practice, and where procurement innovations have originated! The City of Lisbon (Portugal) and ICLEI Europe invite you to the 11th Procura+ conference (formerly EcoProcura [...]

PROTECT Newsletter March 2024

By |March 5, 2024|

1.Introduction Welcome to the sixth edition (March 2024) of the newsletter from the PROTECT project that provides an update on the developments in the market regarding climate services based on Earth Observation (EO). The focus [...]

  • EXPANDEO 2024

12-13 June 2024 – EXPANDEO

By |March 4, 2024|

We are happy to invite you to EXPANDEO 2024! EXPANDEO, the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC)’s annual event, where the market meets, provides a key platform for European Earth Observation companies, institutional actors [...]

  • Innovation Procurement Conference 2024

19-20 Mar 2024 – Innovation Procurement Conference

By |March 4, 2024|

Innovation procurement has been on the European agenda for some time. And rightly so! It is a potentially powerful policy instrument to stimulate innovation and thus contribute to more performing governments, more competitive companies and solving societal problems. The Programme for [...]