PROTECT Newsletter February 2024

By |February 5, 2024|

1.Introduction Welcome to the fifth edition (February 2024) of the newsletter from the PROTECT project that provides an update on the developments in the market regarding climate services based on Earth Observation (EO). The focus [...]

  • PROTECT Newsletter January 2024

PROTECT Newsletter January 2024

By |January 5, 2024|

Welcome to the fourth edition (January 2024) of the newsletter from the PROTECT project that provides an update on the developments in the market regarding climate services based on Earth Observation (EO). The focus is [...]

  • City planner using Earth observation data

Innovation procurement made simple

By |January 4, 2024|

Innovation procurement for local authorities sounds complex, but can be explained in five simple points: Innovation procurement is when public authorities purchase innovative solutions to address mid to long-term needs. It encourages private sector innovation [...]

Results of the PROTECT’s Open Market Consultation

By |December 5, 2023|

The Open Market Consultation (OMC) of PROTECT was launched on 20 September with the publication of the Prior Information Notice on Tenders Electronic Daily (TED). The rules and objectives of the OMC were described in [...]

PROTECT Newsletter December 2023

By |December 5, 2023|

1.Introduction Welcome to the third edition (December 2023) of the newsletter from the PROTECT project that provides an update on the developments in the market regarding climate services based on Earth Observation (EO). The focus [...]

PROTECT Newsletter November 2023

By |November 5, 2023|

Welcome to the second edition (November 2023) of the newsletter from the PROTECT project that provides an update on the developments in the market regarding climate services based on Earth Observation (EO). The focus is [...]